Domestic knitting clothing Market: lower demand bring industry depreciation
Recently, the report specifically for the domestic market of knitted garments issued on time, the report indicated, on the downstream market of knitted apparel trade at the same time suffered atrophy, this year the market demand, coupled with the backlog of inventory in previous years, this year's overall knitwear industry are showing a very depressed condition of industry devaluation. In addition to the domestic market knitted garments, including its upstream yarn and knitting machines market materials market also suffered a depreciation of the storm.
European and American financial crisis brought sweater sales fell.
From the point of view of data in previous years, sweaters largest sales market in Europe and America and the Middle East and Pakistan and other places. At present, due to a well-known from the beginning of the outbreak of the financial crisis in Europe, with the European financial sector involve very large United States market and the Middle East markets have been relatively large shocks.
The main foreign market volatility also affected the Chinese market knitwear, sweaters serious decline in sales in recent years, is one of a follow-up impact. From the upstream market, in recent years, knitwear machinery sales are significantly reduced in the state. Due to the current price fluctuations fiber knit material upstream, led directly to the greatest demand for fiber socks, underwear and other Industrial industry also suffered a crisis.
Industry devaluation, sweaters reduced profit
Depression entire Chinese knitting industry in addition to the problems caused by the depreciation of industry, the more of a sweater profit decrease, according to Lee garment factory in Dongguan said the work, had a sweater manufacturer can obtain a profit of about thirty yuan , and this year every sweater manufacturers only get a dollar processing fee. Nevertheless, it needs to start, Mr. Lee said, started at least be able to maintain a no-loss, no loss is a start, but can not afford to lose the factory already.