The first half of 2016 before the National Textile and Apparel Trade
Core Tip: June 2016, the national trade import and export goods worth $ 312.66 billion, down 6.4%. Which exports $ 180.38 billion, down 4.8%; imports 132.28 billion US dollars, down 8.4 percent month trade surplus of $ 48.11 billion.
June 2016, the national trade import and export goods worth $ 312.66 billion, down 6.4%. Which exports $ 180.38 billion, down 4.8%; imports 132.28 billion US dollars, down 8.4 percent month trade surplus of $ 48.11 billion. January to June, import and export value $ 1.71267 trillion, down 8.7%. Which exports $ 985.48 billion, down 7.7%; imports 727.19 billion US dollars, down 10.2%, the cumulative trade surplus of 258.29 billion US dollars.
In June, textile and apparel trade $ 25.97 billion, down 5.8%, of which exports $ 24.01 billion, down 5.3 percent, and imports $ 1.95 billion, down 11.6%, the month trade surplus of $ 22.06 billion, down 4.7%. January to June, textile and apparel trade volume 136.14 billion US dollars, down 3.4 percent, of which exports $ 125.03 billion, down 2.6% and imports 11.11 billion US dollars, down 11.5%, the cumulative trade surplus of 113.92 billion US dollars, down 1.7%.
First, exports showed stabilized situation, imports decline significantly
This year, the textile and apparel exports still face a complex and challenging situation: the world's major economies, the economic recovery is slow, external demand growth is weak; exchange rate fluctuations frequent devaluation of the yuan against the euro and other non-dollar currencies to some extent affect the export growth; global political, economic a change pattern, the British off in Europe, terrorist attack and other adverse factors are frequent. At the same time, promote domestic trade, the role of stable export policy began to show and promote the upgrading of processing trade, increase SME financing, improve trade facilitation initiatives such as the gradual landing and implementation; internal growing enthusiasm and creativity to jointly promote the half exports stabilized. Second half of 2015 to the first half of 2016, each quarter of Textiles and Garment exports fell gradually narrowed. 2016 second quarter, a decrease of only 0.3% in the first quarter narrowed by 5 percentage points, narrowed by nearly 7 percentage points higher than the second quarter of 2015.
Imports showing a clear downward trend. In the second quarter decreased by 12% and 11%, respectively, six months of no growth in the first half.
From the current situation, since the main market economy no significant improvement in external demand in the second half of this environment will not change. The domestic economy is still stable, but spread to several provinces in the north and south of floods and other unexpected events may have a negative short-term impact exports. Overall, due to the high base last year, it is not, initially expected in the second half of this year exports will remain stable trend, the annual export flat with last year or achieve a slight increase.
Second, to further expand the proportion of general trade, exports of private enterprises to grow
In recent years, the rapid development of trade in general, the first half of the share of exports in general trade proportion has reached 78.2%, has expanded 1.3 percentage points higher than in 2015. Exports edged down 0.6% year on year, essentially flat. Processing trade and border trade fell faster, down 16.9% and 18.8%, respectively. Other market-based procurement trade continued growth momentum last year, has risen 27%.
Private enterprises to form a positive boost exports, total exports grew 1.1% in the first half, state-owned enterprises decreased by 6.5%, foreign-funded enterprises dropped 11.1%.
Third, the major markets behave differently mixed
EU - EU exports decline has slowed, the British off the European influence is uncertain.
This year, the export to the EU deceleration has slowed, from March to May has appeared in three consecutive months of growth. The first half of the EU's total exports of $ 22.71 billion, down 4.4%, a decline of less than the United States and Japan. Which grew 3.8% in textiles, clothing fell 7.2%. Woven garment exports fell by 0.5%, the average export price fell 7.3%.
Britain is China's textile and clothing in the EU's largest trading partner in China's export market, accounting for 4% share of the UK market and the long-term to maintain a relatively stable pattern in the first half, China's exports of $ 5.41 billion for the British, an increase of 1.6%. British off Europe
, By the financial market upheaval, the exchange rate fall in the short term I would adversely affects exports, exports are likely to decline. But long term, due to the presence of the EU officially off the transition period of two years, during this period, the Chinese and British sides have time to adjust foreign trade policy, and the use of positive factors to create business opportunities brought off in Europe, long-term effects are not necessarily caused by Europe off negative.
United States - United States decline in exports, garment exports fell.
Pre-performance and stable US market also fell, but monthly exports see enlarged monthly exports to the US fundamentals are still performing well, once the market stabilized, exports to the US will resume growth.
June exports to the US $ 4.16 billion, down 11.6%. January to June, total exports of US $ 20.11 billion, down 5%, of which 6.6% decline in textile, clothing fell 4.3%. Key commodities needle woven garment exports fell 2.3%, the average export price fell 0.6%.
ASEAN - ASEAN exports declined slightly, the Philippines and Vietnam to become a new growth point of substitution.
January to June, total exports to ASEAN my $ 16.68 billion, down 1.4 percent, textiles rose 6% categories of goods yarns, fabrics and made-ups all return to growth, an increase of 3.1%, 7.9% and 1.4% . Clothing dropped 16.6%, of which woven garment exports fell 4.4%, the average export price fell 13.9%.
Exports to ASEAN grew country transformation occurs, the rapid growth of the early Vietnamese exports fell, down by 9%, the Philippines meteoric rise, up to 66.2% of its export growth, which doubled fabrics, clothing increased 57%. Japan - Japan export chain continued to decline, further reducing market share in Japan.
Sluggish Japanese market, combined with the transfer of industries, so I exports to Japan continued to decline, exports in the month of June MoM consecutive monthly decline. The first half of Japan's total exports of $ 9.25 billion, down 5.1%. Japan in my market share to 7.4%. According to Japanese customs statistics, from January to May, I fell a further 61.5% share of the Japanese market, down 2.7 percentage points over the same period last year.
The main commodities woven garments total exports fell 1.7%, the average export price fell 4.5%.
Hong Kong's export performance anomalies on the "along the way" to achieve the overall national export growth.
Hong Kong's exports to reproduce rapidly. While the decline in overall trade, exports to Hong Kong rise, not fall. Two years ago in the case of rapidly shrinking trade is different from the first half of Hong Kong's exports amounted to $ 7.28 billion, an increase of 15.1%, an increase mainly from Fujian, Guangdong, Chongqing and other places. Fujian where export growth of up to 177%. Under the national policy to promote, "along the way" country is becoming a new hot spot for foreign trade in the first half, textiles and apparel, "along the way" country's total exports of $ 42.7 billion, the proportion of total exports amounted to 34.2%, year on year growth of 5% , concentrated in the faster-growing countries in Eastern Europe, North Africa, West Asia, ASEAN, as well as Ukraine, Belarus and other former Soviet Union countries.
Fourth, garment exports slow down faster, textile exports accounted for promotion.
The first half of textile and garment exports fell faster than the decline of 3.8% and 0.9%, clothing woven garments total exports fell only 0.6%, the average export price fell 3.7%. Textiles in total exports grew rapidly in recent years, the proportion of the first half accounted for 42%, compared with last year improved 3.4 percentage points, 4.4 percentage points higher than upgrade in 2014, which mainly manufactures fabrics and rapid growth, both accounting for respectively 2.8 and 1.1 percentage points upgrade over 2014. Yarn and finished products exports fell 1.9% and 2.4%, respectively, a slight increase of 0.5% of the fabric.
Fifth, the eastern region's exports relatively stable, Guangdong, Fujian and Shandong export growth.
In the first half, more than half the country's provinces (cities, districts) decline in exports. Eastern situation
Relatively stable, down only 0.7%, 6.5% decline in the central and western fastest decline, a drop of 19.2%. Key in the provinces of Zhejiang and Jiangsu exports fell 3.1% and 0.2%, respectively. Guangdong use of tourism business to achieve 1.4% growth, including tourism trade has accounted for nearly 20%. Growth in Fujian and Shandong respectively by ASEAN, Hong Kong and South Korea's export-led. Six textile imports fell, imports increased clothing.
June imports fell 11.6% to the aggregate decline in imports in the first half expanded to double digits again, mainly dragged down by the 16.2% decline in textile, clothing achieve a slight increase of 4.3%. Textile yarn, fabrics and made-ups of all, a decline along with the degree of processing products gradually narrow, 23%, 12.4% and 6.2%, yarn cotton yarn imports, prices declined by 19% and 9.5%, respectively ; clothing knitted and woven garments total imports increased by 8.8%, import price fell 2.7%.
Sixth, cotton imports fell rapidly, both inside and outside the cotton spreads widen.
Changes in market supply and demand, the expansion of imports of cotton yarn, slowing downstream demand, as well as the combined effect of domestic cotton policy reforms and other factors, since 2013, imports of cotton persistent decline appears. By To the first half of 2016, total imports of cotton less than 50 million tonnes, only 431,000 tons, compared with the peak in 2012 when imports reduced nearly 90 percent, fell as much as 54%. The average import price decreased 2.4%.
Month in June, cotton imports 73,000 tons, down 55%, import price fell 5.3%.
Since June, cotton reserves auction round out enthusiastically, however, reflect the corporate library slower, while continuing to reduce stock, high-grade cotton tight resources, domestic spot prices continued to rise. Chinese cotton price index (CCIndex3128B) monthly average price of 12,694 yuan / ton, up 183 yuan / ton, or 1.46%; fell 621 yuan / ton, down 4.66%. At the end of 13,075 yuan / ton, the end of the previous month rose 462 yuan / ton.
June, although international cotton prices also continued to rise, but the increase is less than the country, inside and outside the spread of cotton continued to expand slightly. China imports cotton price index FCIndexM average monthly price of 73.96 cents / lb, up 3.00 cents. The end of June 30 was 75.00 cents / lb, compared with the end of May rose 1.80 cents, 1 percent tariff discount under RMB 12,507 yuan / ton, lower than the same period in Chinese cotton prices 568 yuan / ton, last month over the same period spreads widen 49 yuan.