The first half of China's textile and garment trade: stable external demand focuses complement internal strength
Core Tip: June, China's textile and apparel exports 24.02 billion US dollars, year on year decline again, a decline of 5.2%, of which textile exports $ 9.12 billion, down 3.7%, clothing exports $ 14.9 billion, down 6.2%.
According to the latest data reporter recently obtained from China Textile Import and Export Chamber of Commerce show that in June China's textile and apparel exports 24.02 billion US dollars, year on year decline again, a decline of 5.2%, of which textile exports $ 9.12 billion, down 3.7%, clothing exports 14.9 billion US dollars, down 6.2%.
In the first half of this year, total textile and apparel exports of 123.61 billion US dollars, down 3.7%, of which textile exports 52.03 billion US dollars, down 1.6 percent, garment exports $ 71.58 billion, down 5.1%.
Data show that exports in the first half although individual months has improved, but the overall view is not optimistic. Prominent differences in import and export volume and export key provinces of Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shandong obvious. The largest increase year on year in Fujian, Zhejiang and the largest decline.
Reporters also noted that: Although the semi-annual report negative growth trend, but the first half of this year, total exports of textile and apparel exports in a single month and year on year decline compared with last year and early this year has narrowed, showing that foreign trade is still powered support.
Data fluctuations affect the Spring Festival
Absolute value is more informative
In 2015, China's textile and apparel import and export has been around since the 2009 global financial crisis for the first time in six years of imports, exports double down, and the first half of this phenomenon continues, overall pressure is not reduced.
Statistics show that in the first half of this year, China's textile and garment exports fell a larger month appeared in February, exports fell 27.8%, a large increase in the month appeared in March, exports increased by 34.1%.
In this regard, China Textile Import and Export Chamber of Commerce believes that the first quarter of each year a single month textile and apparel import and export data generally do not have too strong representation. Our focus on the Chinese New Year in January or February each year, before the holiday and Spring Festival transactions affected by the change, and its large base volatility is normal. Before the Spring Festival usually around companies are trying to focus on shipments, resulting in export Festival more light. Therefore, the analysis of semi-annual report to be considered the main cause of this holiday base factors, especially fluctuations in foreign trade turnover due to the Spring Festival holiday. For the first half of the exports, the decline or, growth worth mentioning, are compared with the same period last year, from the technical means of operation in terms of absolute value than watching Importers look better reflect the relative value of industry issues. In addition, even if the reasons for the changes from year to measure the variables, the general data should be combined with the overall view of the same period in the past three years.
Some analysts believe that exports in February 2015 increased significantly, so that an high base effect, coupled with export environment no significant improvement in exports in February dropped 27.8%. Professional analysts believe that foreign trade import and export data with policy or holidays ups and downs are the norm, this should not be too tight. The key issue is still how Lianhaoneigong export enterprises, the industry itself how to better integrate the supply chain optimization, while ensuring the smooth export basis, we should focus on stabilizing export market share and optimize the structure of export industries.
Save by Zhejiang, Fujian
Regional export uneven heating and cooling
Specific to various regions of the country, the first half of this year's export situation is still more obvious differences.
Data show that China's foreign trade import and export volume difference key provinces of Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shandong obvious.
January to May, the textile and apparel import and export volume of Guangdong Province, an increase of 2.5%, of which, exports grew 5.23%; textile and apparel import and export volume of Fujian Province rose 8.35 percent, of which exports grew 9.74%; Zhejiang Textiles clothing import and export volume fell 3.24%, of which exports fell 2.73%; the total import and export of textiles and garments in Jiangsu Province fell 0.92%, of which exports fell 0.21%; Shandong Province, total import and export of textiles and garments increased by 2.2%, which with exports
An increase of 2.47%.
Looking at the above five most representative of the province's foreign trade import and export data can be seen, from January to May, total import and export volume of Fujian and the largest increase, followed by Guangdong and Shandong. Total Imports and exports decline is the biggest in Zhejiang Province, followed by Jiangsu Province.
To Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shandong exports to the EU, the United States, Japan and other major markets of the ASEAN Statistics found that there are three great characteristics: First, the first five months of this year, Fujian textile and garment exports to ASEAN surged YoY 45.6%, accounting for 23% of the country's total exports to ASEAN; Second, in recent years in our country to the EU and the United States the main export areas, Zhejiang has been champion, but compared to previous years, this year from January to May, Zhejiang Province, the EU and US textile clothing exports increased significantly narrowed the EU up slightly by 1.3 percent, a small increase of 4.2% for the United States; the third is the development of private enterprise in Fujian province's foreign trade maintained good momentum, while foreign-invested enterprises and state-owned foreign trade enterprise development performance is slightly weak.
For the above data, China Textile Import and Export Chamber of Commerce, analysts believe that: As the world's major economies, the economic recovery is not yet clear, the lack of market demand for the major engine of growth in the second quarter although the textile and garment exports continued to grow, but with the expansion of the base year, increase gradually narrowed. The current severe and complicated foreign trade situation to make the second half of textile and garment exports still face greater downward pressure, the possibility of rapid growth is minimal.
However, the following three positive factors may contribute to the trend of textile and clothing exports to maintain stable or achieve a slight increase. First, the second half of last year, the export base is relatively low; the second is to accelerate the recent depreciation of the RMB against the US dollar; the third is stable foreign trade measures to be implemented step by step, independent compression capacity enhancement.
Export-oriented private enterprises made great contributions
"Zhejiang Blue" Forced Transformation
Why this year from January to May, import and export of textiles and garments in Fujian champion? Why Fujian exports to ASEAN grew larger?
Fujian Textile Industry Association Deputy Secretary-General Mao Jo Kang said in an interview: "Textile and Apparel Fujian private enterprise has been the mainstay of export growth has been positive transformation in depth of the confined situation of chemical fiber production in Fujian province, the annual export volume to ASEAN. great value, especially other synthetic filament yarn export-oriented private enterprises, invested heavily in research and development, and actively practice machine au pair organization wisdom production. "
Fujian Huafeng Group is designed to provide a fabric for sports shoes textile enterprises, R & D expenditures to maintain an average annual growth of 60%, accounting for the main income of up to 8%. From January to May exports of textile enterprises in Fujian Province ranked top 10 in Jinjiang peak Weaving Co., Ltd., through the intelligent transformation of equipment, reducing the number of workers 64%. Another former Fujian export of textile enterprises ranked Top 10 in Fujian Billion Polymerization Fiber Industry Co., Ltd., a dedicated brand and intellectual property management office, increase independent intellectual property rights product development and production.
Southeast Asia has long been Fujian's import and export trade, foreign investment and "going out" strategy of important areas. With the core area of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, to promote free trade pilot area of Fujian to ASEAN trade continued to grow. According to the reporter, Fujian and ASEAN textile and apparel trade annually. Statistics show that from the growth point of view, Fujian to ASEAN export growth in major trading partners ahead, ASEAN is currently ranked as the largest textile and garment export market in Fujian Province.
Hangzhou Textile Industry Association, Wu Min Wei believes that the textiles and clothing exports data changes in Zhejiang and Jiangsu, but also take into account a number of technical issues statistics on:. "By only regional data interpretation industry problems exist error Ningbo is planning cities, Zhejiang provincial statistics do not include import and export data that Ningbo textile and apparel trade in key areas; while Shanghai is the FTA, Jiangsu and Zhejiang area manufacturers to establish a lot of trade and marketing company in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang on textile and apparel import and export statistics is not small . "
From the end of last year, Zhejiang Province great efforts to rectify printing and dyeing enterprises, and actively create "Zhejiang Blue." The Secretary-General Keqiao District Shaoxing City Printing and Dyeing Industry Association Chen Quansheng said: "There are 20 million people engaged in Keqiao textile, printing and dyeing capacity of the country accounted for more than 30% since the end of last year, shutting down large areas of Zhejiang vat mainly concentrated here. "this is Paul" Forced textile and garment export enterprises to eliminate backward production capacity, upgrade Zhejiang blue "carpet action.