Chinese workers' wages rise on manufacturing and garment export market share decline
Core Tip: US media said Donald Trump running for president in the process has been claimed that China was robbed of US manufacturing jobs.

US media said Donald Trump running for president in the process has been claimed that China was robbed of US manufacturing jobs.
According to the US "The New York Times' Web site reported July 25, the view was Trump has its merits. China has a large number of workers, and the workers' wages far below the United States, which wants to cut costs, increase profitability and maintain low-cost manufacturers in terms of attractive. A study published in the "Journal of Labor Economics" on the show from 1999 to 2011, the number of imports from China due to the surge in the United States lost at least 2 million jobs.
Improve Chinese workers' wages
Reported, however, in today's China, workers face the prospect of rather disturbing, not like Trump implies. Because the slowdown in domestic economic growth, rising cost of production, from foreign countries - including the US - increasing competition, they may lose their jobs. In recent years, dramatic changes in Chinese labor market has occurred.
With the Chinese economy forward, many industries have emerged a lot of opportunities, attractive lines of work is not as attractive. Thus, in order to attract workers, managers out of the higher wages. At the same time, the industrial city of Shenzhen and other local governments have been steadily improving mandatory minimum wage, in order to enhance the welfare of workers and their families, and to promote the production of higher value-added businesses and more expensive products. Shenzhen is adjacent to Hong Kong's coastal trade hub.
Reported that the above-mentioned factors pushing up wages Chinese factory workers. According to the Japan External Trade Organization estimated that their average monthly salary of $ 424 (about 2831 yuan - Ben Wang Note), over 29% higher than three years ago. Compared with many other emerging economies, China's current labor costs are higher than a big slice. Vietnamese factory workers earn less than half of workers in China, Bangladesh and other countries to pay workers less than 1/4 of the Chinese workers.
Production costs are also rising dramatically changed China relative to the US competitive position. A study of Boston Consulting Group (BCG) conducted in 2015 showed that the level of wages, worker productivity, energy costs and other factors into account, the manufacturing cost of China's major export processing zones is almost comparable to the US.
More US enterprises are "back to the nest."
He reported that, due to significantly lower the cost of this benefit is gone, more and more American companies are "back to the nest," that is, the factory moved back to the United States. According to another survey of US manufacturers against BCG conducted last year, 24 percent of respondents said it is aggressively shifting production from China back to the mainland, or intend to do so within the next two years. In 2012, this proportion was only 10%.
This means that workers in US plants will get more jobs. In the BCG survey, half of the respondents said the next five years, they are expected to hire more manufacturing workers in the United States. Moving jobs away from China is not only the United States. Rising costs are prompting many companies in various industries to migrate to the production of various other countries.
On the shelves of US retailers, we often see a lot of positive from the Chinese move out of plant products. In February, headquartered in Hong Kong, for the footwear manufacturer Michael Gros, music and other big step Stella foundry shut down a factory in China, and the transfer of some production lines to Vietnam and Indonesia factories. Also based in Hong Kong, as Dorcus, Brooks Brothers and other US brand OEM garment enterprises TAL, intends to close a factory in China this year, and moving production to a new factory in Vietnam and Ethiopia.
Others have extensive business enterprises in China may not close the plant, but is seeking to invest the funds elsewhere.
Although the scale of China's clothing exports to the US still ranks first steps, but it is also faced with lower-cost Asian rivals more competitive. A report Feng Li & Fung Group Research Center released in March last year, Chinese exports to the US clothing market share has declined, while the share of countries such as Vietnam and Bangladesh has increased. This is a Hong Kong-based research firm focused on the supply chain and procurement in the field of research. "China is not a low cost for all positions have attractive place," the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, China Jimo Man presidency said. "China is to walk on the value chain, which means that there will be adjustments."
Difficult because China's economic growth, the country still faces the loss of workers' jobs. China has begun to be affected by the factory workers, the future may face a more severe situation.