Uniqlo Creative transboundary how escalating Fun Experience Economy 3.0
Core Tip: constant change, meant to enhance the overall brand Uniqlo tone, it is also determined to change Uniqlo, although not changed drastically but the beginning of the heart: for everyone to wear high quality clothing, let people enjoy fashion and quality charm, change clothes, change cities, change the world, to change people's lives from the start.

Constant change, meant to enhance the overall brand Uniqlo tone, it is also determined to change Uniqlo, although not changed drastically but the beginning of the heart: for everyone to wear high quality clothing, let people enjoy the charm of fashion and quality change clothing, change cities, change the world, to change people's lives from the start.
Ma said, the world's most admired companies own only two, one is Starbucks, one is Uniqlo, both regarded as the ultimate thing to do.
In 1984, UNIQLO opened its first store in Hiroshima, Japan gradually penetrate the whole market. 2001 clothing retailer The first overseas store opened in London in 2002, Uniqlo came to China in 2005 to do business in the United States. But then UNIQLO operation apparently began to accelerate, turn Uniqlo 2010 to 2015 earnings will notice that the number of overseas stores Uniqlo in the past five years increased by 12 times, from 136 became 1734, and now, Uniqlo stores has been extended to 17 countries.
For the apparel retail industry, the scale is always important, but the scale is not able to ensure success. Uniqlo founder Tadashi Yanai had an internal statement: Using the strongest product - as most products will drive everything. What is the strongest product? That is, to show customers "reason to buy." Reasons to buy Uniqlo, everyone may say a lot, such as screaming very basic models, superior cost-effective, comfortable and stylish ...
Simple terms, is Uniqlo how to do low price high force grid products, but people's awareness of the UNIQLO mainly stay in this stage, challenge Uniqlo face is how to develop beyond the cost of the brand image.
Uniqlo answer is: to consumers as the center, creating a new experience economy 3.0.
3.0 overwhelming experience economy
Experience economy is the core consumer, but how to meet consumers at different stages have different connotations, the Experience Economy 1.0 businesses focus on the product; Experience Economy 2.0 distract businesses to consumers.
Through the first two stages, with the maturity of the consumer market, the experience economy era 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 broke through the pursuit of narrow economic interests, starting from the human spiritual experience, high-level attention to people as "natural" self-realization demand, experience economy 3.0 is humane, as consumers realize the "people" initiative, concerned about the interaction between businesses and consumers, emphasizing the integration of human spirit and culture of corporate brand.
The Internet allows business into the experience economy 3.0 times, the product is no longer in business blueprint only important part of the user is no longer spend money to buy a simple product, but an experience-inclusive services. It is undeniable that Uniqlo in Experience Economy 1.0 and 2.0 times Uniqlo has made impressive achievements, experience economy 1.0 times, Uniqlo flagship high-tech fabrics, creating a series of critical items, plus the price close to the people, in the minds of users to establish a strong knowledge, experience economy 2.0 times, emphasizing the consumer mind occupied, and in the 3.0 era, Uniqlo need emotional exchange between merchants and customers have become more prominent on the basis of a two-stage front, respect for the customer creativity meet their lifestyle goods and individual needs.
Creative explosion models to build cross-border trade
90 boundaries young work attire and casual wear between the more and more obvious. When buying clothes, their emphasis on personality, not easily follow the trend at the same time, they pay more attention to quality feel than the previous generation, that attention to quality has earlier age.

How to impress a new generation of young people? Efforts Uniqlo innovation reflected in two aspects, both the quality and cost-effective to maintain a sense of youth and close to the ideas into life.

Recently, one of the hottest topics than before Hermes director Christophe Lemaire added Uniqlo, dominant design "Uniqlo U" series. Uniqlo and cooperation Lemaire twice before, has allowed us to feel the basic models Uniqlo more than just basic, but will enhance the fabric material, use of color, sewing and other details of the deal to a new height. And now, more in-depth integration between them, is bound by UNIQLO "LifeWear clothes suitable life" philosophy, superior quality and high advanced custom luxury brand to bring more quality and comfort for everyday life dress pursuit of consumers , to create a sense of luxury civilians, the superiority and high quality.
The mid-hot UT series, and this year launched the "Cool Chao Meng Qu" four themes, no matter what personality can be most vividly demonstrated. KAWS series, Disney series of cooperation, the US team 3 series, Star War series and so on, we can see UNIQLO stimulate people's creative life, lifestyle, quality of life enjoyment and down effort.
KAWS series published once caused a sensation. It hot sales, the more amazing it is inspired by the passion for art and creativity. Uniqlo KAWS series as a pop culture popularity, a cutting-edge artistic impact, infected Chinese consumers.
Creative people, the pursuit of quality of life are common, while Uniqlo undoubtedly impress young man played a huge role.
Fully interactive fan of pulling the economy
Fans create economic achievements of the brand is the only way. A successful brand, not only can people buy, not loved, not only can the customer, not the fans. And to really impress the fans, it must stimulate their sense of participation.
Located in the world's largest Uniqlo flagship store - Shanghai UNIQLO global flagship store on the 5th floor of the MAGIC FOR ALL concept store, shop display subject area followed hot movie change. From Star Wars, Captain America 3, in order to depict friendship UTGP Pixar theme, "Alice in Wonderland" and "Finding Nemo 2", so that every consumer feel here like being in a colorful fantasy Disney theme world, even shopping have become a kind of enjoyment.
The world's first UT FACTORY custom zone, so that every consumer can participate in customized tours exclusive clothing. By UTme! On your phone or iPad design T-shirts, printed directly on-site. You can also select My UNIQLO badges and embroidery services, let your body Uniqlo different.
Into Uniqlo store, connect your phone wifi, scanning the store throughout the digital poster for more detailed description of goods, with a guide and real-time inventory, convenience can also use the micro-channel and pay pay Alipay move seamlessly online and offline. Uniqlo hope truly two-way drainage online and offline through online channels, anytime, anywhere consumers more brand and product information.
In the new revision of the micro-channel menu, consumers can get the most intimate exclusive online shopping guide experience. Not only can find the latest offers, first-hand the new season, interactive experience online to receive benefits. But also as a player with a canon, anywhere Watch fashions query utility outfit, see the most tide the most ground gas mix of buyers show. While in the menu of self-service capabilities, we can achieve real-time access and purchase merchandise inventory online, or even find the nearest UNIQLO stores.
Innovation must focus on retail experience economy expanded 3.0 Uniqlo do these efforts precisely in order to give consumers a range of experience.
Upgrade to life-changing brand clothing
Uniqlo is Sike usual style clothes fabrics and design, we can not wait to have all the new products and new technologies are presented. Sense of design, innovative fabrics are reasons to buy young, young people very creative, but they are also rational consumers, the scientific and technological content, but also cost-effective products to be able to impress them.
However, as time Yanai previous interview, said:. "Rival Uniqlo is not the Gap, but Apple" Uniqlo continuous breakthrough innovation in products and services of the most eye-catching, but also the global garment industry a few like to use high technology to arm themselves apparel companies, fleece, AIRism, HEATTECH ...... Uniqlo have become iconic products.
Constant change, but also means to enhance the overall brand Uniqlo tonality, which is determined to change Uniqlo, although drastic, but the beginning of the heart has not changed: to make everyone put on high-quality clothing, let people enjoy fashion and quality charm, change clothes, change cities, change the world, to change people's lives from the start.