It is time to talk about the clothing education
Core Tip: To review several aspects of the history of education and the status of the clothing and apparel industry and the typical characteristics, focuses on higher education, particularly of clothing current teaching models need to be further refined and supplemented in order to make clothing and fashion design education and production, real life closely, in order to develop a garment industry really needed talent.

First, the inherent characteristics and status of China's garment industry
Today China's garment industry, most companies only stay in the sample processing, processing of the primary production stage, due to a period of time does have a certain economic benefits, many clothing manufacturers and therefore complacent. Under the planned economy, the environment, it can be said that the way to do business is to survive, and moreover, garment processing in the narrow sense and other materials processing methods or different. For example, the length would have been exactly the same two pieces of fabric, so that if an inexperienced person in the sewing machine stitching up even told him how, the results still may occur a long, one short; on the contrary, some would have different lengths components, through the processing experienced technicians to match exactly, this is the number of "tricks" on the garment processing, often by the operating personnel "Sleight of hand" to complete. In our garment enterprises, the large number of people count on one or two "unique skills" and the rest is not looked down on. Obviously, this idea is more naive, it will hinder the development of the apparel industry.
Running under the socialist market economy, all companies have to rely on their own strength to participate in competition, previous orders not easily obtained, while his hands and the lack of high-quality products have substantial advantages, many garment enterprises difficult, even to the point of near collapse. Plus current international, domestic apparel market supply and demand to enhance competitiveness, the influx of foreign brand-name products, so that the already fairly saturated market even more crowded. Objectively speaking, the domestic garment enterprises, although the performance of the more prominent, but most of the status quo is not satisfactory. Thus a lot of old enterprises now pay close attention to technological innovation, product structure adjustment, they are fully aware of the clothing "change," the eternal theme, so there is a lot more attention to the development vision of the business professional clothing Role they absorb a large number of various types of clothing College graduates, and even spent a hired powerful designers, managers and human resources.
Second, education should be closely integrated with the clothing and apparel industry
China's garment higher education, especially clothing late start, and for a long time in school exploratory stage, but also provided a lot of high-level expertise for the apparel industry. However, we should clearly see that on the one hand and garment enterprises lack a pioneering and innovative spirit of fresh blood; on the other hand, it is undeniable that many professionally trained personnel especially in the corporate design is also not reuse. Of course, as an education in the garment workers, we should first review their own shortcomings and deficiencies. For example, at the beginning founded the fashion design, we want to train as soon as a world-class fashion designers, a large number of students is unrealistic, some even thought he was a graduate student Jinjiao just feel that they have a name fashion designer, as long as they will draw renderings, the design concept idea, regardless of whether others working out, put on the market's ability to meet the demand, blindly blindly arrogant. The graduates took jobs in the clothing situation is not optimistic, since the mid-1980s before the country's garment industry has just been developed, coupled with people's demand has reached an unprecedented height, the clothing manufacturer heyday, Zhichou processing does not come out, there is no need to worry about market issues. Textiles and clothing is the year of China's main export products, garment enterprises do not need to attend to the development of new models, lead us to develop a design talent useless, many graduates have been diverted. These cases from the side also reflects the shortcomings of our teaching just some ideas at the beginning and specialty irregularities, not reasonable, though our desire is good, but because with practice closely enough, resulting in clothing and apparel industry disjointed education . Then in the fashion industry sparked a national discussion, such as that "the costume design is the art and technology of combining creative work", "costume design is also productive," "clothing education should cultivate 'more than just a spot,'" and so on, we constantly adjust the settings so that all professional courses, training focused on strengthening the overall quality of students, which are for professional clothing has accumulated valuable teaching experience.
Nowadays, with the gradual integration with the world economy, China's garment industry is facing enormous challenges. Because clothing is characterized by the product itself to innovation, so clothing should be education based on now, look to the future, advance with the times. Specifically, we want to enlighten the students were more open, divergent thinking, cultivate their keen powers of observation and a pioneering spirit. In a design-based knowledge can not be ignored while deepening process operations, market demand; at the time did not forget to project-based training to improve their aesthetics and style modeling ability; Also note interdisciplinary complement each other, and to acquire a certain management, organizational behavior knowledge. In recent years, computer technology has been rapid development, garment CAD, CAM has been business as auxiliary equipment design, processing, and in the near future will certainly be popular. Therefore, the introduction of computer costume education teaching computer literacy and improve operational level students imminent. Of course, we can also use the "going out, please come in" approach, that is, the classroom is located in the design room, workshop, so that students need to have direct knowledge of what practical knowledge; on the other hand, we can ask well-known entrepreneurs, professional and technical personnel into the classroom, face to face, to teach the students practice experience, experience and experience, as well as enterprises need what kind of talent. We will strengthen the students in a timely manner
Third, the historical review of the simple clothing Education
It should be said, it is education with clothing apparel production and generated with the progress and development of society and the gradually improving. Early education is just simply stay in the "master train an apprentice" in the initial stage, a good teacher is also possible to "teach hands", otherwise only see the apprentice perception. Obviously, this approach will greatly hinder the development of the garment industry, because most people only "models to copy."
Although China is recognized as the "Dress kingdom", ancient costumes to modern people really left a valuable cultural heritage, but it is undeniable, in the history of the world garment development, China's status as well as share some components are quite limited. Plus the then backward mode of production, it can be said that this "workshop-style processing, monastic missionary" model in China lasted for thousands of years. Until the founding of collectivization because of the need of large-scale production, the garment industry began to hold a "short-term staff skills training", but also often invite some experienced technician locomotive demonstration upper edge of his experience to tell others, in a sense it also stresses the lack of specification. The "Cultural Revolution" period, the whole country a gray, yellow, blue, almost can not distinguish between men and women, clothing style is almost the same pattern, this time, it really shows the superiority of mechanized assembly-line. Just follow a fixed pattern, no worry about product sales, besides itself fabrics, clothing is very scarce, then what about the clothing needs education? After the reform and opening up, improve people's material and cultural life, and also broke the ideological imprisonment, to obtain liberation. People not satisfied with the food and clothing, but to the United States to pursue deeper.
In order to improve the quality of people's dress, the right to guide the consumer "fashion" to pursue and accelerate the development of China's garment industry, narrowing the gap between China and developed countries in the world garment industry, the early 1980s, of several well-known institutions of higher learning, such as central Academy of Fine Arts (now placed under the Tsinghua University), Northwest Institute of textile (now Xi'an University Engineering Science and technology), China textile University (formerly East China textile Institute, now Donghua University), etc. have opened professional clothing, bringing higher professional clothing Education officially entered the hall of the university. It also set off a firestorm in the education sector, where education would be considered as professional clothing "fuss" of those who have that professional clothing into the university soon be eliminated a lot of people. Although the clothing of higher education in our country exist only ten years, so there itself, as insufficient, but after ten years the country has trained a large number of professional design and engineering talent, a lot of transportation for the apparel industry has considerable expertise and pioneering spirit of the force, in order to improve the status of China's garment industry on the world stage costume and make due contributions. And time has proved that professional clothing is more popular in our country has one of the enduring volunteer candidates, but as a complement to the clothing of higher education, all types of clothing professional school, vocational, adult education have mushroomed fire up this fully illustrated costume idea of education is entirely correct.