Retail outlets to reduce overall apparel industry competitive brands need to upgrade
Core Tip: Retail stores generally have a decreasing trend in the first half of Daphne into a closed tide. Jeanswest such as Daphne and these "post-85" puberty-related apparel brand reputation before, Language A-share market listed companies clothing brand now days off how?

Daphne closed the first half into a tide. Jeanswest such as Daphne and these "post-85" puberty-related apparel brand reputation before, Language A-share market listed companies clothing brand now days off how?
Shen million industry according to men, women, casual clothing, footwear category, A shares of a total of 26 listed companies in related industries. This includes our familiar "Smith Barney", "Semir clothing", "little bird", "Sea Orchid House", "Saturday", "red beans shares" and so on.
Overall retail outlets have decreasing trend
And Daphne similar circumstances, there is a decreasing trend in the number of retail outlets said 26 listed companies related, Smith Barney three years to close 1,500 stores by 2012 dropped to 5220 in 2015 3700. Another youth-related clothing brand Semir, 2013 and 2015 the store was reduced from 4029-3477, to reduce the more than 500 stores.
Chinour men's brand, in 2013 and 2015 to reduce the 141 stores. Women Brands Lancy shares in 2013 and 2015 to reduce the 87 stores. Footwear brand, "Saturday" from 2013 to 2015 to reduce the more than 300 stores.
Red beans shares contrarian retail outlets increased
Above 26 listed companies are not all retail outlets decreased, red beans shares exceptions, according to the company's first quarter report shows that the end of the first quarter, the company has 787 retail stores, by the end of 2014 was 501, but an increase of nearly 300 stores.
Competitive brand apparel industry needs to upgrade
In recent years, the store is closed, the backlog of inventory and capital chain tension is a lot of problems facing the apparel industry. As early as 2011, Smith Barney inventory problem has been highlighted, the number of stock up to 25 billion yuan, total assets ratio of nearly 30%. Under pressure to the stock, Smith Barney turned to Internet marketing.
Clothing brand development in recent years, more and more positive aspects of Internet marketing, traditional clothing to famous enterprises online, landing online platform, clashing market "cake." 2015 Annual Lancy shares started a comprehensive Internet-based strategic plan. February 2015 and April, respectively, $ 7.5 million and 110 million yuan investment in shares of fashion e-commerce segments of business models - and if the feather star wardrobe minister.
At the same time, the company will from the simple multi-brand clothing line operations, production and sales, "Pan fashion" category of business development to mother and child, beauty, cosmetics, medical and America, to promote the full implementation of the Pan international fashion industry and Internet technology, create online and offline, multi-brand, all channels of international fashion industry ecosystem of strategic thinking.
In addition, some companies carry out industrial restructuring, Caesar shares the company intends to take the apparel business brand licensing management approach to operations, on the one hand by the authorized operation, fees charged brand, on the other hand by the authorized operator resources, the original digestive company product inventory, and may dispose of some idle assets and revitalize the capital, in order to focus resources companies to develop pan-entertainment industry restructuring.
Channel construction tricks final results speak
Changes in marketing mode, or brand success depends mainly on whether to upgrade to test performance. 2015 Smith Barney costumes Internet business, the overall development has entered a healthy track, the state purchased the entire network, through precision targeting Fan form an effective force point, sales revenue grew 123%. Although revenue increased, but the company still faces many challenges in transition. Product, channel, retail experience and other core competencies of investment value of the company has not been fully reflected in the market side. Affected by this, the company 2015 annual net loss of 430 million yuan. This year the company reported net loss of 45 million is expected, but compared to the same period last year increased by 53%.
By pursuing online and offline, multi-brand, full channel strategy Long position shares this year, mid-year report is expected to achieve net profit of 32.45 million yuan, down 25%. In this regard the company believes that the market environment affect the company's sales revenues continued to decline, the effect of the company's strategic layout has not yet appeared.
The effect of the two companies has not yet been fully revealed strategic layout, while Semir clothing that is has done a good company, thanks to the continuous improvement of business casual wear, children's steady growth and the rapid development of Internet business, this year Semir clothing report performance growth. It expects net profit of 490 million yuan, up by 15%; the company a good momentum of development in recent years, the past two years, the annual net profit of 10 billion yuan, an increase of more than 20%.