June Residents clothing consumer prices continue to fall apparel brand retail demand has not improved
Summa: CPI fell by the impact of domestic clothing brand retail demand has not been improved. From the price index, as of May 2016, China's CPI YoY growth picked up to 2.1 percent, but clothing CPI year on year growth was down to 1.60%.
CPI fell by the impact of domestic clothing brand retail demand has not been improved. From the price index, as of May 2016, China's CPI YoY growth picked up to 2.1 percent, but clothing CPI year on year growth was down to 1.60%.
According to the National Bureau of Statistics latest data show that in June 2016, China's CPI rose 1.9%, down 0.1 percentage points from last month, after a lapse of four months after the return to "1" era. June PPI fell 2.6%. CPI rose year on year decline for two consecutive months, mainly due to the fall in food prices, particularly fresh vegetables and fruit prices fell significantly. Fresh vegetable prices in June fell 6.5%, the first time in nearly a year and a half of negative growth, the impact of June CPI decreased by about 0.15 percentage points; fresh fruit prices fell 3.4%, affecting the CPI decreased by about 0.06 percentage points.
According to statistics, in June, China's clothing CPI compared to last year rose 1.4%, 1--6 years, China's clothing CPI compared to last year rose 1.6%.
In learned that by CPI fall, the domestic clothing brand retail demand has not been improved. GF Securities analyst Han Jie Mi talked about today, from the price index, as of May 2016, China's CPI YoY growth picked up to 2.1%, but the CPI year on year growth was part of the dress down to 1.60%, both differentiation shows the garment and textile industry demand is still sluggish, the textile and garment retail price index trend also confirmed this point: textiles PRI hovering around 0.5%, while the retail price index of textile and footwear for 15 years to maintain the growth rate at 3% the level of around 16 years of experience in the first half of the down sharply, as of April growth rate of 1.62% is low. Various statistical indicators show that the weak performance of the industry, the industry will continue to adjust.
Mi Han Jie believes that the per capita disposable income growth slowed and the industry as a whole needs sluggish external environment, consumers are experiencing the transition from the pursuit of the brand's conspicuous consumption to the pursuit of cost-effective and practical consumer attitudes. The current clothing market is undergoing changes quietly - high-end brand will attract consumers through more precise product positioning and personalized brand culture, occupy a specific market; and continuous efforts on the low-end market is cost-effective upgrade path . Since the total market share of the low-end, wide range of audiences, and its influence on the market is becoming a mainstream consumer apparel market, the pursuit of cost trends are becoming increasingly prominent.
Mi Han Jie also said that domestic branded apparel sales growth is no longer possible, from 50 enterprises and 100 key retail clothing retail sales point of view, the first half of 2016 terminal sales did not improve. By the mild winter last year, how brand apparel inventory backlog, superimposed above normal rainfall this summer, clothing terminal sales this year will be under some pressure. "