The whole industry chain revolution: manufacturing and Internet integration
Summary: In the summer the Davos Forum, Premier Li Keqiang stressed that promoting China's manufacturing upgrade, you must rely on the "Internet +", go customized, personalized way, so that the manufacturing sector have a broader market, product and services can be combined organically.
On this summer Davos Forum, Premier Li Keqiang stressed that promoting China's manufacturing upgrade, you must rely on the "Internet +", go customized, personalized way, so that the manufacturing sector have a broader market, products and services to It can be organically combined.
Flexible production model
Unlike previous sending a large number of manpower companies to find and discover market and product design, production and push its own discretion, through the Internet, the company's manufacturing operations can be part of the market of consumer segments automatically be connected in series. On the one hand, companies can make use crowdsourcing publishing and distribution platform R & D needs, extensive collection of ideas and wisdom and external customers, and realize the social, diversified product innovation and value creation; on the other hand, by means of e-commerce platform, consumers from online orders, whereby companies can not only grasp the production requirements, and understand the needs and characteristics to capture consumers. On this basis, companies can be oriented design and development, thereby forming a market-driven R & D and manufacturing a traction mode of production, namely C2M mode, which is called the end of the (consumer) to the end (manufacturers ) mode of production.
It must be noted that, under single consumers online is not just a simple purchase, they may also put forward the idea of her own products, specifications and style requirements of the elements that participate in the dynamic process of product design, while enterprises can rely on information control fine cutting and re-combinations of production modules so-called flexible manufacturing and push sent to meet the individual needs of consumers. Here, although individual orders represent only single or small number of products, but the total size of the order to bring together a variety of it is enormous, therefore, personalized custom can have the same economies of scale traditional production mode, production costs is not only not increase, but will also decrease. According to authoritative international agency estimates, after you apply the Internet industry, business efficiency will increase about 20%, the cost can be decreased by 20%, energy savings could drop about 10%. More importantly, customization and flexible manufacturing completely seamless and accurate docking of consumption and production, companies will be able to receive pursuant to the previously impossible zero inventory management effectiveness.
Reconstruction and sales value chain upgrading
Immersion industrial App, mobile social marketing, search and other Internet services parity only to expand out of the online channel, thus forming a O2O sales model, more importantly, the Internet is a highly transparent and timely information updates and adequate space, and the Internet also strong compression of the intermediate product delivery channels, the company's market search costs and costs associated with user interaction have been significantly reduced. According to the Boston Consulting calculation, China accumulated manufacturing cost of goods sold of about 85 trillion yuan, after the graft and the Internet, China's overall industrial efficiency will enhance the potential to produce 4 trillion to 6 trillion yuan. Moreover, removing the middle part of timely interactive sales and marketing is also effective to strengthen the rapid response for the enterprise market, accelerate the pace of product updates iteration for a wider and deeper self-activate the company's innovative features.
And manufacturing concentrated expression in the traditional marketing model for the asset-heavy chase and focus only on sales of different products, after grafting and integration with the Internet, it will pay attention to asset-light steering will be severely assets by selling products to emphasize the importance Sell the level of service, as will the future of the US General in implementing software targeting business class revenues over 15 billion US dollars, and become the world's top ten software companies, Siemens to become intelligent manufacturing systems solutions provider, as more manufacturing future It will be through the platform maintenance, software upgrades, system updates, and other means to build their own service chain of ecological services generated
It values less than or more than the value of products, thus driving the value chain toward high-rise significantly shift the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing sector. According to the Boston Consulting calculation, only the manufacturing sector as a service, Chinese companies can create 6 trillion yuan in added value.
Reorganization and lean management
In fact, the Internet not only to achieve the transformation and upgrading of industrial patterns of production and consumption as well as links to enterprise marketing management, more importantly, as the Internet is not a simple virtual space, which means the vast industrial resources, the formation of a boundless industrial cloud platform. Cloud platform, companies can not only share intelligence software resources they need, and can be implemented collaborative production, between machines, between workshops, information barriers between the factory torn traditional aggregated, complex-type, large-scale manufacturing production is moving in such a decentralized and ubiquitous paradigm shift, remote collaboration, ubiquitous manufacture can occur even in the future ubiquitous manufacturing mode. This caused by the Internet's decentralized co-production model and production organization of loosely poured forced internal management simple, efficient and rapid change, namely the transition from vertical management flat management, from management to bounded unbounded management.
Lean Production and artisan spirit of traditional manufacturing industry to pursue and glorification, the Internet can accelerate ground and grow this excellent heritage. Porsche, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, BMW these big car dashboard with numerous mechanical and electrical control buttons, display the precision of this instrument, but Tesla inside the cockpit, but only a huge touch screen, almost no button operation becomes not only simple, but also looks very seductive. In addition, the manufacturing sector itself, of course, self-optimization features, however, the adoption of the Internet "competition ranking quality," let the buyer for branded enterprise products and services scoring for comment, a final separation of rank or grade, the strong win, Liezhe eliminating the entire body thereby manufacturing will become more healthy and vigorous.
Future space is huge
China is a super big manufacturing country, the Internet is also a super power. Statistics show that China's manufacturing industry reached $ 3.4 trillion last year, it encompasses global manufacturing output accounted for 19.8%, the sixth consecutive year and firmly secured the position of the world's largest exporter; at the same time, Chinese Internet users scale up to 688 million, Internet penetration rate rose to 50.3%, the online retail market deal size reached 3.8285 trillion yuan, ranking first in the world; the important thing is that the top 10 global Internet company camps in four Chinese companies, and China as well as day cats, Jingdong, the only product Suning Tesco and many other internet business platform; in addition, the domestic 4G network to be popular, 5G acceleration is at the standard brewing, cloud computing, big data, networking and other information and communication technologies It has become more mature and stronger. In this case, the manufacturing sector and Internet integration, easy to form a superimposed effect, the aggregate effect of the multiplier effect.
General judgment, although the country has occurred, such as SAIC and Alibaba together to create Internet car, Dongfeng and Huawei jointly develop smart cars, cool with 360 companies working together to move the terminal, as well as the United States and millet roots in the smart home market and other classic case, but our manufacturing and integration of the Internet industry is still in its infancy, and this integration is mainly the "smile curve" in the front end, that is, the procurement and sales side, while the real value creation of the manufacturing sector in particular, the integration of the production process are very few ; in addition, the closer and downstream users, such as the pace of clothing, household appliances and other industries and Internet converged faster, but raw materials and other upstream and middle reaches of the equipment industry, the Internet or even very superficial embedded blank. From the inside scale, more manufacturing and realization of the Internet is a fusion manufacturing unit or production line to achieve the whole plant and plant intelligence effects are extremely rare. Look from the fusion path, many manufacturing companies have chosen to self-built platform for the Internet, but the manufacturing sector and cross-border integration of Internet companies are not a trend or mainstream. So determine, Chinese manufacturing and Internet converged space is still very large.