The top 100 listed companies continued weakness in the highly competitive apparel development
Summary: Recently, the China National Garment Association released "2015 garment industry hundred enterprises" list were "product sales", "gross profit" and "profit margin" the three indicators of the industry enterprises to sort.
Recently, the China National Garment Association released "2015 garment industry hundred enterprises" list were "product sales", "gross profit" and "profit margin" the three indicators of the industry enterprises to sort. Total of 124 companies on the list, of which: 30, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, 30, 17 in Shandong, Shaanxi 7, Beijing and Fujian to six, five in Guangdong, Shanghai, Sichuan and Hunan all four, Henan 3, Chongqing, Shanxi each 2, Anhui, Hebei, Liaoning and Jilin each one.
According to the China Garment Industry Association data released the same day, on the whole, the 2015 Chinese apparel industry, "sales revenue" hundred enterprises realized a total sales income of 542.682 billion yuan, an increase of 6.34%; "total profit" hundred enterprises total total profit of 45.921 billion yuan, an increase of 3.88%; "sales profit" hundred enterprises average profit margin of 11.80%, a slight increase of 0.32 percentage points compared with 2014.
Reporters on the "2015 garment industry," sales revenue "hundred enterprises" list, about 23 listed companies involved in the statistical analysis. Data show that 23 companies of the total market capitalization of up to 261.565 billion yuan, total assets of 192.387 billion yuan, operating income and net profit reached 34.623 billion yuan and 6.678 billion yuan.
Easy to see that China's garment industry is mainly concentrated in the eastern and coastal areas to inland significantly developed. Zhejiang and Jiangsu with 30 total, ranking first in the country, Shandong ranked second with 17. Including Zhejiang mainly to leisure, business equipment based, such as the bird of peace, Semir, Youngor; Jiangsu Province in the textile has a clear competitive advantage, such as Jiangsu Dongdu Textile and Australian foreign textile.
In fact, since the 1980s, with the world's third wave of industrial transfer, China as a manufacturing and processing enterprises will be cut into the global apparel industry chain, started a number of international brand OEM production.
In the late 1990s, Shanshan, Mailyard, Younger and other apparel companies have in the domestic stock market. With domestic consumers on the quality and grade requirements for clothing products continues to increase, China's garment industry has begun to enter personalized, diversified and fashion-oriented consumer age, brand awareness gradually formed. In fact, last year's men's performance is not satisfactory. Busen Group net profit plunged due to the bottom of men's rankings. Younger, red beans shares, Angelo, Chinour revenue last year also showed a downward trend. Younger men's boss last year, life is not better, just get rid of the 14-year net profit decline in revenue last year and is now Waterloo. In order to seek new profit growth point, select Younger deepen diversified layout.
Just last March, its foreign announcement that plans to invest 1 billion yuan to set up health fund industry in Ningbo, Zhejiang. By 2015, the local clothing companies overall revenue growth of 10.8%, net profit up 8.3% from the 44.9% gross margin fell slightly to 44.1%; the first quarter of 2016 and 2015 is not very different, deduct Sea Orchid House, Semir clothing after brand enterprises almost zero growth in 2015 revenue, net profit fell 18.6%.