Automatic sewing techniques: garment industry source brake
Summary: Automatic clothing sewing technology today is the most advanced sewing technology, it has been increasingly popular application.
Clothing automatic sewing techniques today is the most advanced sewing technology, it has been increasingly popular application.
Like aesthetics and thinking brain, CAD system automatically leading industrial sewing machine dance waltz.
Faced with the arrival of Industry 4.0, business automation, digital, intelligent production have become increasingly demanding, clothing companies are no exception. In this competitive era, the efficiency is profit.
Clothing automatic sewing techniques today is the most advanced sewing technology, it has been increasingly popular application. It broke the traditional processing mode of operation, especially to solve the labor problem.
Automatic sewing techniques are constantly upgraded in the development process, from the initial application and development of simple process technology can be applied to almost all modern complex processes, materials innovation and upgrading, technology continues to improve, promote production efficiency to enhance the whole times, whether template / sewing CAD software, stencil cutting machines or automatic sewing machine have an unprecedented breakthrough.
At present, there are existing automatic sewing system includes three parts: First, clothing template / sewing CAD software; Second, stencil cutting machines (laser cutting machine template or template milling machine); the third is automatic sewing machine template . It works out the garment CAD design pieces, cut and sew stitch data automatically as needed production data template. The data is entered into a template template cut cutting equipment inside the template produced as required, and then after template assembly will assemble paste template for future use. Resulting stitch sewing data input to the automatic sewing machine template, the fabric will be attached to the template, then the template attached to the frame of the automatic sewing machine, start the automatic sewing machine template, template automatic sewing machine according to the sewing stitch sewing data is completed . Throughout the process, the template CAD is the most important, it can be said to leave CAD automatic sewing machine become scrap metal.
In Fu Yee garment CAD template, for example, the template CAD divided into three parts: the sewing process design template (jig) design, automatic sewing data generation. In a cotton jacket, for example, the sewing process is designed to make clothes with a hair-like software diagram template (jig) is designed to open the template slots and jig on the basis of hair-like figure on the hole, automatic sewing data generation template is opened automatically generated when sewing stitch. Currently, all of the software, only Fu Yee garment CAD templates can do it. DST after the output file will do the import version of laser cutting machine inside, laser cutting machine to cut the template. Then,
The PLT file import template sewing machines, automatic sewing machine according to templates designed linear track, take the needle, the needle back. You can see from the example above Cheerful apparel CAD template, the whole need CAD participation, whether it is a version of a template, or template cutting and sewing stitches, these hardware work needs to CAD.
CAD template is equivalent to the human brain, it do all kinds of "action" in the command of the device, leaving the brain, the device will be paralyzed, unable to work, become a pile of scrap metal, you can see the significance of CAD automatic sewing machine how significant.
However, currently available templates CAD software also not perfect, most businesses are using the garment CAD data input to the embroidery CAD software conversion, due to software compatibility and other issues, often resulting in deformation of the stitch, template material waste, sewing stitches irregularity and other issues. This is equivalent to the output of the command of the brain there is a problem, make sure that the product device is problematic. To solve this problem, a group of about innovation is scaled new heights, Fu Yee is open template / sewing CAD software for our customers for free download.
Cheerful CAD / CAM operations center industry from the perspective of public interest, in order to enable more people in the industry were using genuine software template sewing, decided to let millions. The world's only sewing a template permanently dedicated software industry to provide free download. Actively promote the innovative "Internet + sewing machine" products and business model, Cheerful spearheaded the use of network technology and CAD software for flexible manufacturing. From 2016 onwards the full liberalization of the stencil Cheerful sewing CAD software free download. This behavior of domestic software companies on the one hand to make uniform clothing manufacturing industry, standardization of manufacturing. On the other hand to reduce the burden of garment enterprises, the advantages of sharing. Finally, to promote the clothing business in 2016 contributed to a turnaround win.